Servlet 3.0 中关于metadata-complete的说明
案例: 最近在上线某活动时,之前访问正常的url更新后访问返回404。review提交日志,web.xml schema 换作3.0时无意中添加了
8.1 Annotations and pluggability
In a web application, classes using annotations will have their annotations processed only if they are located in the WEB-INF/classes directory, or if they are packaged in a jar file located in WEB-INF/lib within the application. The web application deployment descriptor contains a new “metadata-complete” attribute on the web-app element. The “metadata-complete” attribute defines whether the web descriptor is complete, or whether the class files of the jar file should be examined for annotations and web fragments at deployment time. If “metadata-complete” is set to “true”, the deployment tool MUST ignore any servlet annotations present in the class files of the application and web fragments. If the metadata-complete attribute is not specified or is set to “false”, the deployment tool must examine the class files of the application for annotations, and scan for web fragments. Following are the annotations that MUST be supported by a Servlet 3.0 compliant web container.